• Applejacks

    Is it possible to continue a pregnancy even after taking Myfiegyn?

    Hi everyone...

    I'm apologizing first hand for writing in English. It's just that I'm in a completely wrecked emotional state and worrying about writing in Swedish w/ no grammatical errors whatsoever is the last thing on my mind.

    Roughly 30 minutes ago today, I wound up taking my first Mifegyne pill. My second appointment to take the second series of medication to complete the abortion is scheduled on monday morning. But as of right now I feel as though I've made the biggest mistake of my life. I'm currently 17+6 weeks and since I found out (roughly 8 weeks) I have been going back and forth about if I should or shouldn't keep it. My Sambo, 37, has always wanted to start a family with me and since day one has wanted to keep the baby. He's emotionally/financially stable and has enough money (28.000) to take care of all three of us up until the point where I am able to find a full-time job after my mum-leave.

    I on the other hand, 29, just finished up my magistersexamen and have a job working timanställd (hourly) and make roughly (7.000) a month. Sadly, this pregnancy was not planned? so it has bothered me greatly that I do not have a normal full-time job where I feel as though I'm not going to be just contributing emotionally-- but financially as well to support a child. Plus, I have not had the greatest childhood in the world either. With having an abusive mother + not having enough money to go around --- I am deathly afraid of subjecting my future children with the same problems I experience growing up. In fact since I found out about being pregnant, I've been finding any and every reason (even reasons that don't make any sense) to prove the fact that I am not fit to be a mother. My sambo keeps trying to assure me that we can make it if we put our hearts to it?and that he will be there for both the child and I?but I kept trying to convince myself that I wasn't worthy enough to be a mother?and yeah.

    My sambo and his family are trying to be as supportive as they can. Yet they cannot see past my reasons for not wanting to keep it before. Things are much different here in Sweden than they are in the US in regards to the care of children?and they honestly believe that I am fit enough to be a mother. If I wasn't, then I wouldn't be going back and forth with making a decision this long and worrying about being a "good enough" mother. The fact that I am worrying this much is proving to them that I am. 

    The doctor that gave me the mifegyne told me to be sure in my decision as there is no turning back after it has been taken. I sobbed and cried when I put that pill in my mouth and have been crying since then. I want to keep my baby?.but want to know if the damage has already been done.

    Is there anyone out there that has not followed through with their abortion and is willing to share their stories?! 

    Feel free to respond in Swedish?I can understand it fluently but as I stated earlier, my writing sucks so forgive me if I respond in english.

  • Svar på tråden Is it possible to continue a pregnancy even after taking Myfiegyn?
  • Anonym (Angrar)

    Jag skrev en liknande post när jag gjorde min abort. 

    Om du spyr upp tabletten efter 30 min måste du ta en ny för att göra aborten annars skulle aborten gå bra så sjuksystern till mig.
    Jag spydde efter 3 timmar och det var uppenbarligen försent.
    Jag ringde även sjukvårdsupplysningen och frågade om man kunde ångra sig.
    Fick svaret efter hon kopplade bort mig en stund och ringde gyn att om jag inte började blöda kunde det gå bra.

    Jag började blöda dagen efter och min abort var genomförd.

    Tänk på att du gjorde aborten av en anledningen. Jag hoppas du mår.

  • Vippsi

    Blir så ledsen att höra att du känner som du gör, det måste vara otroligt jobbigt att slitas så mellan känslor.

    Precis som den som skrev innan skulle jag säga att du borde spy upp tabletten så snabbt som möjligt, sen ringa 1177 (sjukvårdsupplysningen). Det är nog allt du kan göra tyvärr :/ Hoppas att allt går bra!

  • Vippsi

    Såg nu att inlägget är några dagar gammalt. Hur gick det för dig? Lyckades du stoppa aborten?

Svar på tråden Is it possible to continue a pregnancy even after taking Myfiegyn?