Migrationsverket, uppehållstillstånd, lång väntetid
Tack Ella :)
If i had missing any documents or any facts so it would really take longer time for further investigation but we have everything what it needs Ella we have asked the migration about that (eftersom jag har varit asylsökande) but they have said that it has nothing to do with it !!! While i was in sweden as an asylumseeker ..i have been to the migration more than 10 times and they had told me also in that time that if you go back to your country as a Volunteer than can you apply just like all the others ..and cause u had said so my fiancee had called them about 2 months ago and they said again that asyl has nothing to do with it .. !!! I don't know who has given you infos like this !!
Our case is still in Uppsala and they said it will takes 5-6 months after interwiew to take a decision !!
Actually we are so comfused as much as we don't know who to believe !! I'm hopping that at least they'll take a decision until september !! Wish you all the best luck !!
Can I be completely honest, of course they will tell you to go back home (less issues for them) but also legally YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO APPLY AGAIN, no discussion about that. That is your right, regardless if you have or never had an asylum application before. But I dont think it stops them from being "suspicious" of the purpose of seeking residency in Sweden. It doesnt take much, especially after reading so many cases with similar backgrounds how they've had it. That its just the impression I have gotten from other similar cases here.
Where does your fiance live in Sweden? Which unit is closest to her home address?
Hopefully im wrong and they are telling you the truth and that wont affect the waiting time!
To us they have said its up to 3 months after the interview, the decision but due to summertime we should add 1 month, so 4 months of waiting time. I think "regular/normal/lucky" cases will take 10-11 months... But im prepared for the up to 14 months waiting time, Ive heard more people from costumer service at my current unit say that.
Wish you the best of luck, keep us posted!