Padirac skrev 2019-10-13 21:42:34 följande:
auster skrev 2019-10-13 18:00:08 följande:
Sossen Ingvar Carlsson hand i hand med en god vän. Diktatorn Robert Mugabe, en av den Afrikanska kontinentens värsta tyranner med oräkneliga liv på sitt samvete. De hindrade inte sossarna från att skicka miljarder av svenskarnas skattepengar i "bistånd". Pengar som gick till ett liv i lýx för Mugabe och hans familj. Hans frun fick smeknamnet Gucci Grace.
Den här har varit uppe tidigare - Mugabe håller alla i handen - du är sen på bollen.
Okunskap och oförmågan att se sina egna tolkningar av andras kulturella uttryck är en sorts omedveten rasism.
"There is a photograph I remember of former president Nelson Mandela walking hand in hand with Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe. There is also one of Mandela walking hand in hand with Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu and one of Mugabe walking hand in hand with former president Thabo Mbeki.
Last year, at Mandela’s funeral, as I walked through his home towards the marquee, there were two elderly Xhosa men in front of me walking hand in hand, and the scene reminded me of my childhood, growing up in the then Transkei in the Eastern Cape.
It was not just something that men did; women also walked hand in hand, and at times clung to each other as they walked. It was a demonstration of closeness, friendship and trust.
It symbolised so many things that cannot be put into words. It was so natural that we were never even aware that we were doing it. But we have lost it now. "