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  • Ärdetminturnu


    Vviiccttoorriiaa skrev 2019-01-29 15:30:56 följande:

    Någon som kan hjälpa mig kanske?

    Jag har kollat mitt AMH värde via Werlabs och får denna kommentaren "Ditt AMH-värde motsvarar sannolikt >15 antralfolliklar.". 

    Men vad sjutton innebär det? Jag fattar absolut ingenting! I provresultaten står det också 2.6 µg/L och det förstår jag ännu mindre av.

    Någon som kan ge svar?

    Hittade nedan text när jag letade runt. Ditt värde verkar ligga inom normalt spann

    Antral follicles are small follicles in the ovaries, with diameter of 2 mm, which could be detected by transvaginal ultrasound, and its number represents a very reliable test of ovarian reserve preservation. AFC means the sum of those follicles on both ovaries. The number of antral follicles, besides AMH test and the age of a women, represent the most accurate indicators of ovarian reserve, that correlates with reproductive potential of women and the chance for success of In vitro fertilization. The fewer antral follicles, the less ovarian reserve, and the less chance to get an adequate number of cells in the procedure of In vitro fertilization, and the lower is the chance of getting pregnant. AFC - Expected fertility potential, expressed through the opportunity to respond to ovaries stimulation process and IVF success: <4 The extremely low number; it is expected to be very weak or no response to ovaries stimulation, followed by the high risk of a failure. Alternative options should be considered. 4-6 Low number; a small number of cells in the ovaries stimulation process is expected to be obtained, with the high-dose of drugs. Higher chance of failure and less likely to become pregnant. 7-10 Discreetly lower number. It is expected discreetly lower ovarian response and less chance of success of IVF. 11-15 Average - normal number. Sometimes weaker, but generally good response to stimulation with a good, although yet not the best chance of IVF success. 16-30 Good - regular number. An excellent response to stimulation is expected, even with the use of lower doses of the hormone based drugs. A great chance for pregnancy. >30 Very high number, characteristic for polycystic ovary syndrome. Mostly a very high response with a low doses of hormone based drugs, but with a high risk of hyper stimulation. Very good chance of becoming pregnant.
Svar på tråden AMH