Blev livrädd när jag besökte förskolan!
Anonymous (Mom) wrote on 2024-10-16 16:44:28 the following:
I was terrified when I visited the preschool!Today I visited the preschool where we got a place. Enrollment starts next month.
Where my child will go, a man who I would think is around 50 works. Very unkempt, if I met him in town I would have taken him for a homeless person. Long matted hair and unkempt long beard.
He seemed very odd in manner. He kind of studied us in an in-depth way, felt strange.
Now I just feel that I don't want this preschool.
Should I go with my gut?
i think the problem is in you not in the man, you need to respect everyone for what he wants to be or what he wants to wear, and mind your own business instead.