Antisionism är inte antisemitism
Anonym (Antiextremist) skrev 2025-01-20 10:29:09 följande:
Det är extrem sionistisk propaganda och lögner. Sådana personer kommer inte att släppas.En majoritet som släppts nu är kvinnor och barn sådana som kastade stenar eller är bara misstänkta för mindre brott.
"Also due for release is Mahmud Abu Warda, who is serving 48 life sentences for plotting multiple terror attacks including in Jerusalem 1996 when 45 Israelis were killed in two bus bombings.
Wissam Abbasi, Mohammad Odeh, and Wael Qassim, three members of the so-called Silwan Squadron, who were jailed in 2002 over a series of bombings that killed more than 30 Israelis in Jerusalem are also up for release.......
But they have agreed to free his aide, Ahmed Barghouti, who was sentenced to 13 life sentences for his role in terror attacks in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem that claimed the lives of six people including a police officer. "