Antisionism är inte antisemitism
Rapporten från underrättelsetjänsten var verklig, terroristerna gjorde förberedelser, israeliska politiker varnades men gjorde inget. Allt detta är verklig fakta inte teori.
Tom timeofisrael skrev om det. Netanyahu anklagas av andra politiker.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was briefed on the looming dangers to Israel ahead of Hamas?s October 7 attack, and was told by defense chiefs that national security was at risk, but willfully ignored ?all the red flags, all the warnings,? Opposition leader Yair Lapid charged in an interview with The Times of Israel."
"At the security briefing in the final weeks before the Hamas invasion and slaughter, noted Lapid, ?He heard the same things I heard, from General [Avi] Gil, [the prime minister?s military secretary],? Lapid said. ?And then I read the intelligence materials that he saw.?
?All the signs, all the red flags, all the warnings? were there, Lapid charged, but Netanyahu ?ignored them all.?"