Antisemitismen inom vänstern, varför?
Det finns alltså ingen konsensus kring att DEN Jesus nämns i Talmud. Så vitt jag förstås nämns "Jesus" inte alls eftersom det är ett namn på ett helt annat språk.
Ett antal omskrivningar av namn påstås av vissa vara hänvisning DEN Jesus men det är ett påstående som det inte råder enighet om.
Punishment in the afterlife[edit]
In Gittin 56b?57a a story is recorded in which Onkelos, a nephew of the Roman emperor Titus who destroyed the Second Temple, intent on converting to Judaism, summons up the spirits of Yeshu and others to help make up his mind. Each describes his punishment in the afterlife.
The complete passage from the 1935 Soncino edition is:
Onkelos the son of Callinicus, son of the sister of Titus, desired to convert himself (to Judaism)...
(Onkelos) went (and) he conjured Yeshu the Nazarene (from the grave). (Onkelos) said (to Yeshu), "Whom is of importance in that world?" (Yeshu) said (to him), "Israel." (Onkelos further queried) "Should I attach (myself) to them?" He (Yeshu) said; "Their welfare you shall seek, their misfortune you shall not seek, for anyone who touches them is regarded as if he were touching the apple of his eye".
(Onkelos) said to (Yeshu), "What is the punishment of that man (who seeks their misfortune)?" (Yeshu) said (to Onkelos), "boiling excrement". As the Master said: Anyone who mocks the words of the Sages will be sentenced to boiling excrement.
(As said in the Gemara:) Come see the difference between the sinners of Israel and the prophets of the nations of the world.